
Dubai now looks like the New York skyline! Changed days from when I worked in the Special Care baby Unit in Abu Dhabi back in 1991. It has become a very cosmopolitan place and if it is the same now as when it was in 1991 only 10% of the population is made up of people born in the Emirates. The other 90% are from all over the world.

I had arranged some group meetings and consultations which included meeting people from Lebanon, South Africa, India, Kuwait and the UK to name but a few. English is spoken as their second language so communication was not an issue. I did however have to consider their cultural needs and take into consideration living in a very hot climate. All of the families followed a similar routine to the UK and did not take long siesta’s in the afternoon.  As they all had growing families they had the same stumbling blocks regarding sleep, routine, food, potty training and behaviour. 

My lovely host Danielle Wilson who did all my public relations work made me feel very comfortable in her villa and I was able to meet her children including the twins who I had sleep trained via Skype at 1 year of age.

I am hoping to make further visits to Dubai and reach out to more families. As they say in the Middle East “Inshallah!”(God be willing)